Heuristic Assessment of Software Usability to Facilitate Computer Use for People with Motor Disabilities
Heuristic Assessment of Software Usability to Facilitate Computer Use for People with Motor Disabilities
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There are diseases that make it difficult to use computational tools efficiently. Of course, some entities and research centers develop software applications to facilitate the accessibility and usability of equipment for people suffering from diseases that significantly alter their motor skills. Tests are conducted to ensure the software product performs the functions for which it was designed. One of them is the usability evaluation of the software, which is often done empirically. This article proposes a method with a heuristic approach to evaluate the utility of software designed to facilitate computing access for people with motor disabilities. Often, as regards usability issues, a developer who does not know the specific needs of the people mistakenly approaches the software design guidelines. This research is particularly relevant because users with medical conditions assign weight to software features that usability experts consider important.
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Referencias (VER)
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