Memorias 2016-01-19T14:41:09-05:00 Mauricio Andrés Misas Ruiz Open Journal Systems Ponencias de eventos académicos Prosthesis use incidence over the volumetric change in the hip joint cartilage of transfemoral amputee patients 2016-01-19T14:41:09-05:00 administrator restrepo <p class="p1">The degenerative osteoarticular processes are an inherent consequence of the lower limb amputation. The use of exoprosthesis generates changes in the stimuli received by the healthy and the amputated bones producing disorders in their structures. To establish the effects of a frequent use of the exoprosthesis over the articular cartilage volume in individuals with lower limb amputation, a preliminary study was made to compare volumetric percentage between healthy and amputated side. </p> 2016-01-19T00:00:00-05:00 Derechos de autor